What if the back pain in children

The pain in the back undergoes at least once in the life of every person. The doctors think that it is an inevitable result of the of bipedalism. The modern people add to this inactivity, unhealthy diet, stress. Back pain in children and adolescents is not uncommon.

back pain in children

Fortunately, when early treatment of many processes in childhood are reversible. Therefore, the parents must always be attentive to the child and not ignore the complaints of the deterioration of the health.

The back pain in children causes

The causes of back pain in children. It can be congenital and degenerative changes of the spine, diseases of the internal organs, the consequences of infection, and even physical stress.

Physical overload

The skeleton of the child is not yet formed tissue cartilaginous vertebrae weaker than in the adult. Also has not developed the muscles of the back. An overload can occur because of the long wear a heavy portfolio, especially if it is chosen poorly. It is particularly dangerous to soft backpacks that children carry on one shoulder. The load is distributed unevenly, some muscles are always in constant tension, others are relaxed. Due to the poor physiological position of the back of the pain. If the process is applied only on the muscles, and then correct the situation easily. It is necessary to pick up the child a backpack with orthopedic back and wide straps.

The pain in the back due to overload often occur in children doing sports, for example during a jump. It is particularly characteristic for the first time, until the body is not accustomed to the effort. The parents, in the pursuit of sporting success of his child is completely neglected her health, trying to lead them on the workout is exhausting each day. The muscles and ligaments do not have the time to straighten, therefore, a young athlete occur the chronic pain. To eliminate the pain syndrome, it is necessary to build a fitness regime and relaxation, for the child to have the recovery time.

Prolonged sitting

Physical inactivity is a plague of modern society. Contrary to its nature, which implies a great mobility in childhood, the child spends a lot of time on the computer. Parents are afraid to let go on the street of children, not to find the time conducted of the child in the sports section. Constant static load on the spine is the cause of the pain in the back. Added to this is the lack of fresh air, a poor diet. All of the factors causes the development of scoliosis and degenerative disease of the disc. This explains a large percentage of young people with serious back problems.

Poorly organized sleeper

Doctors recommend sleeping on a hard surface. This is particularly important for children, as well as their spine is likely to deform.


The injury of the spinal column of the child may get a fall, with jerky movements, the execution of the exercises on the muscles of the back, without a warm-up. The pain does not occur immediately, but after a certain time, when the spinal column is made the focus of the inflammation.


Myositis is an inflammatory process in the muscles of the back. It may be primary, it is appear as a result of an injury or a location in a current of air, or secondary, the result of which is the infection of the influenza type or angina. The pain syndrome occurs in a particular area of the back, the muscles are tense, the pain intensifies during palpation. May also be a swelling and a swelling at the site of the lesion.


Scoliosis — curvature of the spine is the most common pathology in children. The disease appears on many causes: congenital anomalies, infection, trauma, poor posture. First of all, the signs of the disease are absent, the child complains of a stiffness of the muscles of the back, pain when the slopes of curves torso, after a long siege. 2-3 steps of the scoliosis is visible in the asymmetry of the blades, bones of the pelvis, of soft. If time does not begin treatment, then the child has disrupted the work of the internal organs, it becomes difficult to move independently.


It is considered that the osteochondrosis is a disease of the elderly. However, degenerative changes of the spine are more often diagnosed in childhood. They may be the result of congenital abnormalities of the structure of the vertebrae, also occur due to poor posture and lack of physical exercise. In effect, the child begins the premature aging of the spine. The diagnosis of the disease is difficult in that the symptoms expressed, is not bright. The child may feel discomfort in the back, but do not talk about it to parents. Should alert the following symptoms: frequent headaches, sleep disorders, fatigue, blurred vision, disorders of the internal organs.

physical overload

Tumors of the spine

Fortunately, tumors of the spine in children is rare. The tumor presses on the vessels and nerves, causing pain. When the benign tumor little the syndrome of the pain continues. If a malignant process, the pain intensifies, it is difficult to cut the pain medications.

The renal colic

The cause of the renal colic is pyelonephritis, or kidney stones. It is also innate to the difference in the structure of the kidney. Usually, the colic is accompanied by severe pain, fever, pain during urination, of the impulses in the toilet.Can show traces of blood in the urine, change its color and scent.

Infectious diseases

Back and belly of the child may fall ill after suffering an infectious disease, e.g. influenza. The virus spreads through the body, causing an active immune response. The result is fever, aching muscles and joints. Usual unpleasant feeling to pass after the withdrawal of the acute period. If the pain persists long after the cure, it indicates that the development of complications.

Why back pain in teenage girls?

The kidneys in girls teen evil before the beginning of the menstrual cycle. In the body occur severe hormonal changes that prepare a girl for adulthood. Small pains before monthly or in the first days of menstruation is normal. The uterus contracts, by removing the endometrium. Spasm of the smooth muscle is the source of the pain.

Perhaps, the young woman develops pelvic inflammation. Intense pain is accompanied by endometriosis. In this situation, it is necessary to pass a comprehensive examination. The initial phase of the disease is easier to treat.

The diagnosis

To determine the causes of pain it is necessary to consult a neurologist or an orthopedist. First, the doctor will conduct an inquiry, notes that has preceded the onset of symptoms, what is the nature of the pain, how long are the unpleasant sensations. And then pass the external examination on the subject of abrasions, bruising, curvature of the spine.

To refine the diagnosis, prescribed the inquiry methods:

  • A urine test, the blood.
  • ULTRASOUND of the internal organs. Pass girls to exclude a pathology of the uterus and of the ovary.
  • X-rays of the spine. Allows you to detect the effects of trauma are specific, the changes of the vertebrae, dystrophic, of the destruction of the discs due to the disc degeneration.
  • MRI scan of the spine pass, if it is impossible to find the cause of the pain. With the help of MRI diagnosed even the minimum of disturbance, changes in tissue blood flow.


The choice of methods of treatment depends on the cause of the pain. If detected a fracture or a slip of the vertebra, it often requires a surgical intervention. For the treatment of scoliosis and degenerative disc disease apply healing of the physical education, the massage is a manual therapy. Also teens need to wear orthopedic braces, which in the initial phase of the scoliosis bring positive results.

If the pains are caused by a long static tension, the child's recommended dosage of the physical load, the normalization of the mode of the day. When the pain caused by the congestion, you need to reduce the intensity of sports training. Will also provide a relaxing massage.

For the relief of pain, you can apply any of the following medications:

  • Antispasmodic. Relax smooth muscles, relieve the muscle spasms.
  • Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs use in the most extreme cases, when the pain is too strong.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointment, to the nicotine. They help the myositis, pain caused by overexertion. Before application, it is necessary to ensure that the child does not have allergies to components of medication.


If the place of work of the child and the mode of the day are organized properly, it never appears for problems with the spine. The main prevention measures:

the treatment and prevention
  • The good organization of the workspace. The bureau and the chair of the student should match the growth, be functional and comfortable. Now, you can buy orthopedic devices, and chairs that do not allow the child to traînasser. Since the first days in school need to accustom the child to keep the back flat, then it is a habit.
  • Practice of a portfolio. For the younger students are the most suitable school bags orthopedic with stiff backs and wide straps. They allow you to evenly distribute the load on the spine, keep your back straight, shoulders straightened. The eldest of the students is also advisable to choose a backpack and wear it over both shoulders.
  • Development of the berth. The child can not sleep too much of a soft mattress and a large pillow. The mattress should be semirigid, the cushion is not very high. Thus, during the night of the spine will be in a position that is anatomically correct, will a normal blood circulation.
  • The dosage of physical activity. Harmful for the children is at once the absence of motor activity, and excessive sports training. For each age, there are their physical activity levels. It is necessary to know the coach, the physical education teachers. We can not give the care of the child more that he can not resist the age.
  • The correct posture. The violation of posture occurs because of the weakness of the muscle corset. The muscles of the child become tired to stay long in the same position, so the children are constantly rest. To maintain a good posture need to do exercises that strengthen the muscles of the back. Very good results in swimming, easy jogging, gymnastics.